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Four Elms Primary School

Four Elms Primary School

Home learning 2020


Well done to everyone for the fantastic work you have done at home!! Please do check through the celebration pages to see if your work is on there. All being well, I look forward to seeing you all in September.

To finish the year, here is a video from the year 1's who learnt all about astronauts as part of their child-led research project. 







Supporting your child to learn at home

Whilst parents and carers are used to helping with homework and organising activities during school holidays, an extended period of learning away from school may well be something few have experienced. The thought of long periods of isolation and the effect this may have on your child’s progress might be worrying. Whilst we want to reassure parents that teachers in our schools are continuing to plan work for all pupils, we would also like to offer some guidance about how you as parents can support learning at home. As we are all unsure about how long schools will have to close for, it is our intention to produce advice for parents on a regular basis. Any specific questions or concerns that you may have regarding your child’s learning should, in the first instance, be addressed to the class teacher.

Each class will be provided with a daily timetable which will be uploaded to the individual class pages. There will be a tab on the left hand side which will give you the week beginning dates. Under this tab will be the individual days for that week. Each day will have the timetable and any supporting documents. The timetable itself will have links to any online support, including pre-recorded videos to support learning and then videos filmed by teachers explaining new concepts.

There will also be a celebration tab where examples of work will be uploaded each day. Please make sure you email your child’s work to the class teacher to enable us to share their efforts with everyone

If you have any questions, please do email me on: 

Lexia Support 

For those who use Lexia:

Lexia Reading Core5® can be used at home for extra practice. Getting started is easy!

1.       To use on a computer, go to   

2.       To use on an iPad, iPad mini, or Android* tablet, download the free Lexia Reading Core5 app from the App Store or the Google Play store. *Android support is limited to these devices: Samsung Galaxy Tab S2, Google Pixel C, and Google Nexus 7” (2012 and 2013) and 10”. The app will not work on other devices, including Kindle.

3.      The first time your child uses Core5, you may need to enter the teacher email shown below. Your child can then log in with the username: nadiak and password: read used at school.


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