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Four Elms Primary School

Four Elms Primary School

Tuesday 2nd March

9- 9:30 


Must - Reading (RWI or guided reading) 


RWI – watch the relevant speed sounds lesson:  

Set 1:  This week you will be recapping the set 1 special friends  



Set 2: ow -   

Set 2/3 –  If you have been learning set 2 and have moved onto set 3 please watch this video:  

Au -   


Set 3 – if you have been learning set 3, we are going to go through the sounds again to help build our fluency:     

Er -   




Then read the RWI book online 


Go onto ‘ebooks’ then you will need to register (this is free of charge) and then you will be able to access all the ebooks and choose the correct banded level for your child. Please note that the RWI phonics scheme is based on lots of repetition. Therefore, we usually read the same book about 3 or 4 times before moving onto a new book. For some children they may need to read it more than this to ensure they are completely fluent in reading the book (no sounding out). 

A general guide is: 

1st read – decoding all the words – sound out as much as you need to. 

2nd read – read for fluency (try to read with more fluency and expression). 

3rd read – read with fluency, expression and comprehension. Try answering the comprehension questions at the back. 


This website also provides lots of other information for parents about phonics. It has other resources on here too should you wish to explore! 


Guided reading  

Complete the guided reading task at the bottom of the webpage. If the reading is taking you longer than the time allocated, then feel free to share the reading with an adult. 



9:30- 9:45  

Should -Zoom!!  

Join us on zoom using the link from Mrs Lee. 

Please adhere to our Zoom policy. 

Today we will be playing games! 

9:45 – 10:45 


Must - Maths  

Year 2  

To understand how to find a fraction of a quantity  

  1. I can use division grouping or sharing to divide 

  1. I can find half, a third and a quarter of a whole number  

  1. I can find three quarters of a whole number 

1st task – Watch this tutorial which explains how to find fractions of a quantity. You will need to be ready with paper and a pencil so that you can do a couple of questions with me. Toward the end I will explain the red challenge so just stop the video there if you don’t want to do the red challenge today.  



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2nd task – choose your activity: 


Green – If you would like extra support then watch this tutorial – we will go through some of the orange questions together and I will give you time to do some on your own. 


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Orange – answer the ‘year 2 Maths orange questions’. Use division to work out the fractions of quantities. There are a couple of challenge questions for you to answer.   



Red- make sure you  have watched the whole of the tutorial in task 1 which explained how to find ¾ of a quantity then answer the ‘year 2 maths red questions’. You might start to find that you prefer using other methods for finding the answer that are quicker such as mental methods-  that is fine! Then complete the ‘red challenge questions part 2’  



3rd task-  Look back at the success criteria. Do you think you met all of the success criteria? Is there anything that you need to work on? What do you confident with? 




Year 1  

Learning objective: 

To be able to solve multiplication word problems 

  1. I can select relevant information from the question 

  1. I can put the important information into a calculation  

  1. I can solve the calculation using my preferred method 


Today we are going to continue working towards the outcome of our experience – planning a welcome back to school party.  


Task 1: 

I forgot that we will need decorations and things to eat our food off of like plates! I need your help to solve the problems to find out how many of each item I might need to buy.  

Watch the tutorial to find out how you will be using your knowledge of multiplication to help me.  



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After watching the video choose the level of challenge you would like to do. Green is the easiest level and is for those who need extra support. Orange is for those who feel confident to complete the questions without the support video. Red is for those who would like to challenge themselves.   


Task 2: 

I really need your help to solve these problems because I had to work them out quickly. Look at the level you have chosen to do to see how you can help me.  


Green group we will be working together to use the grouping method to solve the multiplication problems. I will help you with the first few and then you can help me be solving the rest.  



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Resource: 2.3.21 Year 1 Maths Multiplication Outcome Problems 


  Orange group you will be choosing your favourite method of multiplication to help me find out how many of each item I might need to buy. 

Methods you might want to use: 

Resource: 2.3.21 Year 1 Maths Multiplication Outcome Problems 


Red - challenge:    

Red group, when I went to the shops, I found out that some of the items could be bought in different size packets. I don’t know which ones would be best to buy so I need you to solve the problems for each item and use your knowledge of multiplication to tell me which packet would give me more of each item.  

Watch the tutorial to find out more about how you can help me. 



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Resource: 2.3.21 Year 1 Red Maths Questions 


Task 3:  

At the end of the lesson think about whether you have met today’s success criteria. You could write at the bottom of your work how you got on and how you think you could make your work even better. 



10:45 – 11  


Breaktime – have a healthy snack and a play 

11 – 12 


Must – English 

Learning Objective: 

To know how to improve a poem  

  1. I can identify the key features in my poem. 

  1. I can correctly punctuate my poem.  

  1. I can use my knowledge of the key features to improve my poem. 


Today we will be finishing our poems if we haven't already and then we will check our poems for the key features and look at how we may be able to improve our poems.  


If you need to finish your poem, please finish it before continuing with the rest of this lesson.  


Task 1: 

Watch the tutorial to find out more about checking your poems for the key features and how you can edit and improve your poem.  



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After watching the video choose the level of challenge you would like to do. Green is the easiest level and is for those who need extra support. Orange is for those who feel confident to complete the questions without the support video. Red is for those who would like to challenge themselves.   


  Task 2: 


 If you have chosen to do the green level then I will be scaffolding you on how to find the key features in your poem and how to edit your poem in the tutorial.  



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Make sure you included the key features: 

  • Alliteration 

  • Repetition  

  • Onomatopoeia 

  • Rhyming couplets 

  • Stanzas 

Make sure you wrote at least 10 lines for your poem. 

To edit and improve your poem you need to make sure you have included: 

  • Capital letters at the start of each line  

  •  full stops at the end of a rhyming couplet of lines that complete a thought  

  • Commas at the end of lines which continue into the next (the first line of a rhyming couplet)  

  • Have you used any adjectives? Could they be better? 

  • Could you include more examples of the key features? 

  • Check your spelling. 

You may need to write your poem again in neat, as we want our work to be the best it can be. 

Give your poem a title, this can be anything you want but make sure it makes sense for your poem. 


If you have chosen to do the orange level then you will be identifying the key features in your poem and making sure you have included at least one example of each. 

  Make sure you included the key features: 

  • Alliteration 

  • Repetition  

  • Onomatopoeia 

  • Rhyming couplets 

  • Stanzas 

Make sure you wrote at least 10 lines for your poem. 

To edit and improve your poem you need to make sure you have included: 

  • Capital letters at the start of each line  

  •  full stops at the end of a rhyming couplet of lines that complete a thought 

  • Commas at the end of lines which continue into the next (the first line of a rhyming couplet)  

  • Have you used any adjectives? Could they be better? 

  • Could you include more examples of the key features? 

  • Check your spelling. 

You may need to write your poem again in neat, as we want our work to be the best it can be. 

Give your poem a title, this can be anything you want but make sure it makes sense for your poem. 

Red - challenge:    

Red level you will be doing the same as orange but you will also need to consider your use of adjectives and LY adverbs. Did you include these, can you improve the ones you used or could you include more? 


Task 4: 

think about whether you have met today’ s success criteria. You could write at the bottom of your work how you got on and how you think you could make your work even better.   


Task 5:  

Listen to Miss Keenor’s daily poem    

This is only a short video to allow you to hear different poems 



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12- 1pm  


Lunchtime and playtime 


Should - Mental Arithmetic 

Year 1- Last term we worked on counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Please continue to practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100. Remember, you need to be able to do this out loud and quickly. Here are some games/ songs to help you practise: 

Songs -  

Duck shoot game-  -  

Saucer sorter -  




Year 2-  Last term we worked on learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Remember, you need to be able to recall any of these times tables quickly and verbally. Here are some games/ songs to help you practise: 

Hit the button -  

Coconut multiples -  

Songs/dances -  


If you are feeling really confident with your times tables, log onto ‘TTRockstars’. Let me know if you need your login.  




You could practise your mental arithmetic with a friend or family member on video call! 


1:15 – 1:30pm  

Should - Spelling/ handwriting  


These are your spellings this week. Write them down over and over again in your neatest writing. If you find the spellings hard you can try the easier ones. 



You could listen to relaxing music whilst you do this, like we do at school.  

1:30 – 2:30 


Could -Challenge time!  

Here are the challenges for this week: 


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They are also attached to the bottom of the webpage under ‘week 1 challenges’.   


You can choose which challenges you do. You might just want to focus on one for the week or look at a few different ones throughout the week.  

2:30 – 2:45  

Could - Exercise time! 

If you want to be really active today try one of CSSP Active TV Episodes. Use the link below and choose any episode you like  

Or if you fancy a more relaxing form of exercise why not complete a cosmic kids yoga session on YouTube 


2:45 – 3  

Could - Wellbeing  

This week's wellbeing sessions are all going to be book themed in celebration of book week. Today’s one stars contains guest speaker Mrs Clarke and a brilliant world book day rap by MC Grammar. The wellbeing challenge is for you to create their own raps! 


Here is the link for you to watch first: 



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Could - Storytime  

 Enjoy chapter 4 of Pinocchio! 



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